Someone suggested I make caricatures available though my website and Facebook. So here it is. If you are interested I even set up a pay pal account for you to pay for them. I will do them from photos that you provide. I do have to reserve the right to say "hey that is not a good enough picture", and return your money. When it is complete I will send you by email a small picture of it. We can then make arrangements for it to be picked up or sent to you. Umm, you will have to pick up the postage. I love to draw these things and hope you find they look like the person you want me to draw, but understand they are to be a little funny. I hope Max didn't mind but as I thought about making this post, I saw it was his birthday so I used him as a subject and as a sample here.
The paper that i use is 11x14 for individuals and 14x17 for 3 or more faces. I have paypal set up for 1 to 4 faces but have done more. If you want more thank four faces, just pay through paypal a second time for the additional faces.
This is the first time I have tried this so we will see how it flies. I hope to post some of the pictures as I do them and THANKS!
Order here and please include your email or facebook ID so I can contact you.