This is Amber Dougherty. I became aware of her story from a news story on a local radio station. This is it: Amber Dougherty is a 13 year old from Tyrone, PA and is suffering from Severe Intractable Epilepsy, with a sadly grim prognosis. According to an email sent by a family member, the doctors don't expect for her to be with us next Christmas. Since Amber likes to receive mail, her family is organizing a card drive so that Amber can get mail from all over. She also has a more informative webpage at http://prayernet.geisinger.org Her case is labeled damo56.
I posted on her facebook that I was praying for her and someone emailed me and said i should do a caricature of her. This was a pretty quick painting. I did it all in one evening. Spent about three hours on it. I actually had a lot of it done and something very strange happened. My MAC crashed. I have had it for several years and it may have crashed five times since i had it. Anyhow i had to redraw it but that is ok.
I am not sure how Amber will fell about it. I only did it because someone on her
facebook page ask me to. If you would like to see a reference i would rather you visit her on facebook.