Ok, most everything i have been posting has been about caricature, which you may know i love to do. The whole art thing is a passion, but i do have this other side of life which involves music and karaoke. I thought i should put some of that here. I like to post pictures with this stuff. You know a picture is worth a thousand words, and it saves me from typing. A disclaimer. If you are in any of these photos and wish to not be posted on the internet, just shoot me an e mail and i will gladely remove the picture.

The first picture is of a caricature i did and the woman holding it is of whom the caricature is. It was done at a place called Memories. If you live in the the Huntingdon area, you probably know it. She was there celebrating her birthday. After i did this caricature i did one of about 5 guys, but do not have a photo> I actually don't like to do more than one person per page, i think it is harder to do and they don't look as good, but hey, i did it.
So on to the next picture!

I may have posted this before but i am not sure. This is a caricature i did of a man that lives in Hooters State College. Everytime i go there, he is there sitting at the bar. Not that there is anything wrong with that! In fact maybe we both show up there at the same time each time i go, and he thinks i am weird and always there. Maybe he has a blog posted somewhere and did a drawing of me, and says the same thing about me. But maybe not.

Next picture!! I know this has not been much about music or karaoke. Just be patient. Wednesday nights at the Village Tavern in Mill Creek have been growing. It is an early night. I start around 8, so if you plan on stopping over, get there early. This picture and the next

couple were taken there. It is a lot of fun and i have been getting to meet new people almost weekly.

That is the best part of doing karaoke and DJ work. I know you thought it was the fancy cars and exotic places i get to play.
Ok here are a few pictures from a job i did on a Saturday afternoon. I don't know if there is an explanation for these,I really don't want to try to explain them. Just look and try to enjoy.

The names are being withheld

to protect the poor fashion. You can't see it in the picture but the man in the blue is blindfolded. He was told since it was his birthday he would be king. He would have lovely ladies dance for him while blindfolded. The people at the party would decide who would be his fair maiden. I thought i took pictures of all three but it looks like i missed one. The young (coough) lady (cough again!) in the blue was the winner and the King and his new maiden had a lovely dance to the still popular song by Marvin Gaye, Sexual Healing.

After the birthday party was over, I headed to the Mapleton Legion, Post 233 I think. It was packed when i got there. A cash party does that. I have three pictures to post for this, just because it is funny how it happened. So the dancing started. That will be the first shot. The second shot you can see there was more movement in the dancing.

When the young ladies saw i was taking pictures they were kind enough to pose for me, but as you can see the camera did not do its job on focusing, so as quick as i could i pressed the zoom button and without hesitating and without t

rying (I SWEAR!) I snapped anouther picture which is posted here and a picture i probably could not have taken if i tried. I cleared the posting of the pictures so i am safe. I had a good time at the Legion and will be back at the beginning of next month. Hopefully it will be just as fun.