I have to say I am trying to keep this blog somewhat updated. As it progresses, I hope to be telling you more about Caricature work and less about DJ and Karaoke. Not that i have anything against DJ/KJ, just drawing was my first love. So..
Thursday was a fun night at Ronnies Place. We have a nice crowd of regulars every week. This week Thursday night will be the 3rd of July so we are expecting a bigger crowd. We may even throw in a bunch of dance music. In fact, I am 90% sure we will. Ok make that 95%
Friday a night at the Mount Union Vets. Lisa was back from vacation and we had a good crowd. A few weeks ago I talked with the management about July 4th. Being a Friday,

Saturday I played a Karaoke contest at the Mill Creek Fireman's new grounds. They had a sort of carnival. There were a good number of people there, even thought it was hazy hot hot hot and humid. There were not as many people participating in the event as i would have hoped. I did take some photos and they are here scattered in this post.

Now for the personal crap. Last month my mother had a colonoscopy. They found a pre-cancerous mass. Last Friday she went to the hospital for surgery in Altoona. She was to have surgery at noon on Friday. It was to take about 45 minutes to an hour. I got there to see her at 3. I was told to go back to a room around the corner and there she was sitting up on a bad. I thought she was finished and sitting there. She actually hadn't even gone into surgery yet. I spend about an hour maybe a little more with her. My uncle was there and his wife. My moms husband also. At around 4 they came and said it's your turn. I watched them take mom down the hall and went home. I told them to call me as soon as they knew anything. I think it was around 7 pm the phone rang and it was my uncle's wife. She told me that mom was out of surgey and everything went smooth. She was in a recovery room and reting. I was never so scared in my life as when my Uncle's wife called and told me she was ok. I was scared because I was not sure what she was going to tell me. In anycase she is still in Altoona hospital, resting and recovering. I thank everyone for the prayers that were said on moms behalf. I am sure they helped. I thank God for getting her through everything. Life is short and I think about it more and more, the older if get.