Friday there was a bit of confusion with a booking. I thought I was to play the Mount Union Vets, but a miscommunication on both parties kept that from happening. I had no clue what to do on a Friday night without a job. I called a friend and headed to a place called At the Hop. It is the old Louie's Lounge on Short Mountain. There were a few people there for karaoke and Wayne and I did our part by singing a few songs.
After that we headed to the Hotel Belmar in Altoona. I knew there was karaoke there. It was jam packed. We both sang one song. I did Jack and Diane and tried to get one of the women dancing in front of me to help me with the chorus, but she wouldn't. She danced and that was good enough.
Saturday I had a wedding to start at 3 in the afternoon. It was for the freshly married Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spennati. I have a slide show of some photos I took there, and if you would like to see more, you can click on the slideshow.
Sunday I did some cleaning at home, worked on some DJ stuff and headed to memories about 9. I had a dj gig there that turned into a Karaoke/DJ gig. It was fun and a good crowd. There is a post with photos from Memories for your enjoyment. Oh yea, there is a very attractive woman posing for a photos, red shorts, nice legs, very pretty. I had a guy come ask me to play a Pat Benetar song, Love is a Battlefield. I didn't play it. I was told to do the last call thing and play one more song. I did that and even played another song, pressing my luck. Then out of nowhere this woman comes and asks for that song. I said i couldn't do it and as i said no five times her eyes became more like that of a puppy dog. I said, it was not going to work. No matter how many times she batted those big eyes at me, I was a trained professioanl DJ and when i say no, it is no.
Monday I got awake about 9 a.m. I headed to Mount Union, I was suppose to provide a sound system for a Memorial Day parade and Service. I got there and was told I was not needed that they
It is Memorial day so a Giant Giant thank you to all who have or are serving in the armed forces. We sometimes take for granted all that they do for us. I hope they forgive us for that, but know how we feel about them and we are thinking about them today. To make this not a deep meaningful post, I found a video of our men serving in the dessert. Enjoy!