I went to Hoots in State College today with a friend. Here is our waitress with a drawing. Later that night it was Memories for a chicken salad. I ran into a female Rikki. I did a drawing of her.I actually met her before at a karaoke job in Petersburg. We were chatting and i did a sketch of her. Unfortunately the flash washed a lot of it out.
Thanks for checking out my work. I appreciate the kind words shared by people visiting this site and try to post new caricatures every week.
I have been drawing all my life, but in 2008 I found the International Society of Caricature Artists
and fell in love with caricatures. I work everyday to improve and hopefully you can see improvements from my first posts here on this blog.
Within the last months (as of August 09) I have stated working on commissions for private parties and corporations. I hope to continue to grow and produce works of art for magazines and other publications.
If your interested, please contact me.
I also do dj and karaoke work. You can also find me on facebook.
I have been drawing all my life, but in 2008 I found the International Society of Caricature Artists
and fell in love with caricatures. I work everyday to improve and hopefully you can see improvements from my first posts here on this blog.
Within the last months (as of August 09) I have stated working on commissions for private parties and corporations. I hope to continue to grow and produce works of art for magazines and other publications.
If your interested, please contact me.
I also do dj and karaoke work. You can also find me on facebook.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
A Couple Live Ones
I went to Hoots in State College today with a friend. Here is our waitress with a drawing. Later that night it was Memories for a chicken salad. I ran into a female Rikki. I did a drawing of her.I actually met her before at a karaoke job in Petersburg. We were chatting and i did a sketch of her. Unfortunately the flash washed a lot of it out.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Reverend Wright
I am not offering any political comment, although I do pay attention and have opinions, I will just offer this drawing. Reverend Wright, the religious adviser for Barak Obama. I posted this on the National Caricature Networks' forum and am waiting to hear what the real pros think of it. I will let you know.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Two Weddings and Caricature
First another sketch of one of the members of the National Caricature Network. Name with held to protect the innocent. HA!
So this weekend I had a pretty busy schedule. Wednesday I was at karaoke at memories. DJ Skiddy always has a good time and I enjoy listening to the people sing.......most of them..hahah. Ok so anyhow, I did a few caricatures there, this time breaking from the pencil and using the dreaded marker. I am still not comfortable with the marker, but it is getting better. I didn't have my camera with me, so I don't have pictures.
Thursday Ronnie's place for karaoke. We have a steady crowd consistant singers and hope it grows. I didn't know it and maybe you didn't, but Ronnie's Place has a web site. http://ronniesplace.biz/ They have a schedule of entertainment and their delicious menu.
Friday it was back to the Mount Union Vets. A good crowd and a lot of great singers. I always look forward to a Friday night at the Vets. I will be back there this Friday.
Saturday the day started early. My friend Hoffy agreed to do a wedding reception for me, since i was already booked at the Chris Lawler wedding. Hoffy's started at noon, so after a few hours of sleep Hoffy showed up to get the dj equipment. he was off and on his way about 11. I put stuff together and headed to the Huntingdon Country Club to set up for my wedding job. After that back home for a power nap, then back to the country club for the reception that started around 5. Just as the guests started to arrive, a big thunderstorm rolled through. The wedding party showed p and I think everyone got wet.
I sat with my sketchbook and did a few quick caricatures.
Sunday i went to a great movie. In my opinion it was great. It is called The Forbidden Kingdom. Jacki Chan and Jet Li. I loved it, but then again I love the martial arts films.
That's all for now. I will get photos from the wedding up in the next day or two.
Thanks for reading
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Here are a couple of quick pencil sketches i did. One of Tom, the guy who hosts America's Funniest Home Videos. The other is a very good friend.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Tuesday Night

So, it has been a few days since I posted anything her. Not because i haven't been working on anything, but because i have been working on traditional work. Traditional paintings. That and i spent the day Monday working for the Central Pennsylvania Auto Connection Magazine.
So it is Tuesday night and I will soon be going to sleep, but I wanted to do a quick sketch, just so i had something to post. This is one of the members of the National Caricature Network. I don't really know him, just wanted to take a stab at his caricature. I did post a pic of him with my drawing so you couls see the likeness, or lack there of. I will post the actual paintings i am working on as soon as i finish them. Hey, if you're reading this thanks. Hope it was not a waste of time.
Friday, April 18, 2008
NCN Members
The first is Chris chUa the second is Zach Ford the third goes by blue raptor and lastly Newsome. I am not sure why but i spent about two hours working on these. I should have been sleeping. I am about to leave for a karaoke job tonight. I am hoping to give the Markette Markers a workout tonight. I will have a weekend review with some photos Sunday or Monday, if not before. Until the next post....

Dixon Markette Markers

Today is an exciting day for me. This shows how boring my life it. :-) Yesterday at 4 pm Fedex came to my door with a delivery of Dixon Markette Markers. 36 beautiful black markers. Love them. Why am i excited about them? Well, they are the preferred markers of caricature artists all over this great land. That's it? No, they are hard to find. In fact, there is only one place in the USA you can buy them. An art store in florida. I have called them a few times. They didn't have them and were not expecting to get them for a while. So, i found a place in Canada that had them. Yes i ordered them from another country. Today i will spend time getting to know the marker. Learning to use it, love it and hopefully become an expert. I did work a little last night with it. Did a few caricatures, that i gave away, but today is the day i will get close to it. Here is a picture from last night. The color is very black, they are non toxic and i believe they last and last and last. I hope. Anyhow, this is a silly post, but i felt inspired to do it.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Weekend of April 12
Had a lot of fun this week. Ronnie's was not great but we are still getting regulars out for singing. I recorded on of the songs, but for now i am not going to post it. It is on my laptop and i don't want to go through getting it. I will. Maybe a post on the blog of it's own. It is worthy!
Friday it was karaoke at the Mill Creek Fire Hall. It was not the biggest crow, it even seemed a little small for the bingo prior to the karaoke. Then i remembered it was the night before the opening day of trout. I am guessing that hurt a little. In any case i had a great time and looking forward to June 28th.
Saturday it was Memories. I took a bunch of pictures and rather than post them here i put together a little slideshow you can see by clicking here.
As for caricatures since my last post, I have done a bunch, just haven't scanned any.I did do something today that made me feel pretty good. I was at Memories for a chicken salad. I had my sketchbook and there was a woman sitting at the bar. I am not sure of her name or her age. I did a quick sketch of her and showed it to the bartender as i was getting ready to leave. She took it to the woman and the woman acted as if i painted an oil painting of her, framed in gold. She ask if she could pay for it, but i said no. It made me feel good just to know that she liked it. I wish i could do that for everyone, but.. wait maybe i shouldn't be telling this story. Someday soon, maybe by the time you finish reading this i want to be charging for caricatures. That is why i started the CARICKATURE.COM web site. ok that is enough for now. I am off to sleep. More caricatures to come!!
Friday it was karaoke at the Mill Creek Fire Hall. It was not the biggest crow, it even seemed a little small for the bingo prior to the karaoke. Then i remembered it was the night before the opening day of trout. I am guessing that hurt a little. In any case i had a great time and looking forward to June 28th.
Saturday it was Memories. I took a bunch of pictures and rather than post them here i put together a little slideshow you can see by clicking here.
As for caricatures since my last post, I have done a bunch, just haven't scanned any.I did do something today that made me feel pretty good. I was at Memories for a chicken salad. I had my sketchbook and there was a woman sitting at the bar. I am not sure of her name or her age. I did a quick sketch of her and showed it to the bartender as i was getting ready to leave. She took it to the woman and the woman acted as if i painted an oil painting of her, framed in gold. She ask if she could pay for it, but i said no. It made me feel good just to know that she liked it. I wish i could do that for everyone, but.. wait maybe i shouldn't be telling this story. Someday soon, maybe by the time you finish reading this i want to be charging for caricatures. That is why i started the CARICKATURE.COM web site. ok that is enough for now. I am off to sleep. More caricatures to come!!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
NCN Members
I am still drawing everyday. I just finished a night of Karaoke at the Mill Creek Fire Hall. I'll have more on that later. Maybe by Monday. For not i wanted to post a couple caricatures I did of NCN (National Caricature Network) members. I am not sure if i can put actual names because i don't know them well, but they are talented artists. I am still working on improving m digital drawings. Both of these are digital.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Matt Damon II
So i posted the previous Matt Damon pic in the NCN (National Caricature Network) Forum. A caricaturist who I respect and follow a lot, said it lacked some likeness. He said i was close to the reference but the reference was not real good, so here is my second attempt.
Chinese Restaurant
I was in Altoona yesterday. Lunch time and chinese food was on the agenda. I stopped and too my sketch book in. The manager, I think that is what he was, came and said one of the Waitresses whas in a bad mood and not happy. He ask if i would do a picture of her. I was not sure how she would react to a full caricature, so I tried for a more real look. Here it is. I saw her smiling and tried to capture that. Well that was only half the smile. When I gave her the picture her real smile came out, which was much bigger. Oh well she was happy, very happy with the drawing.

After I gave her the picture, another woman came and ask for her picture to be drawn. I decided to do this one more "cartoon-ee". She like it, and so did I.

After I gave her the picture, another woman came and ask for her picture to be drawn. I decided to do this one more "cartoon-ee". She like it, and so did I.
Matt Daemon
Each month there is a sketch contest in the forum I belong to. The Caricature forum that is. This month (April), it is Matt Daemon. Here is my first sketch of him. I like it but there are places that could be improved. I'll work on that.

Monday, April 7, 2008
Week of April 6 2008
This week I got to see a pretty good concert. Seether, 3 Days Grace and Breaking Benjamin. They were at the Bryce Jordon Center on Tuesday night. I am not a huge fan of any of the bands, but a friend ask me to go with her so I did. Had a great time. If you are reading this ad interested, there are a few pictures on my myspace page.
Wednesday i hit up (that sounds cool when I say that) Memories. Skiddy was there for karaoke. I was there for the karaoke and to do some drawing. I have been doing a boatload of that.
I have some work that i will post soon.
Thursday it was Ronny's Place. I have been doing Karaoke there for a few weeks and it has been growing. This week a few good friends showed up and made the night. Ronny's wife also go into the act. I know Thursday is a tough night to get out for anything, but I start Karaoke early. We start at 8. It's a great time. Hope to see you there. It is located along rt. 747 outside Mount Union. I should mention that is under new management and there have been a lot of changes. It is hard beating a reputation that was not always the best. This when it was under the previous management. It has changed and I believe you will enjoy it.
Friday another night at the Mount Union V.E.T.S. It has been great and the crowd and singers has been growing each week. I do need to mention that the next two Fridays i will not be at the VETS. We had a little schedule mix up a few weeks back. The were not sure they wanted me to continue the Karaoke over the summer. In fact they said after the big contest they were going to stop karaoke until fall.
So i was called about some other work on Fridays and took a couple jobs. They happen to be the next two Fridays. After that I am back at the VETS.Hope to see you then. Or maybe i will see you this Friday at the Mapleton Legion. It is another early starter. Starting around 8.
Saturday I was at the Trough Creek Fire
Company for another cash party. I was a little, wait, i was a lot worried about this because the last cash party did not work out so good. My fears came true as not a lot of people hung around to dance. I made as much positive time of it as i could. I broke out the marker and had a go at it with caricature.
Here are a few that i did. I do want to make a disclaimer. I did these while the people were not looking at me. They were just walking around and i did them. They did not know i was doing them, but I believe they enjoyed them. Anyhow here they are.
I also wanted to mention that i have a new web site. I hope to have it finished this week. It is all about caricatures that i do. The only thing i need, which i am working on is more caricatures. Anyhow, the website is carickature.com. Caricature with a k added so it is kinda like ca rick ature. i thought it was a good idea. we will see what happens. I would like to do more of the caricature work, so if your interested. Contact me.
I also started using a service called twitter. You can see it at the top right of this blog. It is a web utility where you just write a short sentence or two about what you are doing at the moment. I am not sure why i am using it or for how long. Just thought i would mention it here.
Ok off to do more drawing. Hope you enjoyed!
Wait.. i did have a drawing i have been working on i wanted to post. I almost forgot. And by the way, I am not a "Trekky". I do not dress like a Star Trek person. I do not have a lot of anything Star Trek. I just did the thing. Here it is.

I am going to add color to it and finish at some point. Until then....umm.. Live Long and Prosper. Ha!
Wednesday i hit up (that sounds cool when I say that) Memories. Skiddy was there for karaoke. I was there for the karaoke and to do some drawing. I have been doing a boatload of that.

Saturday I was at the Trough Creek Fire

I also started using a service called twitter. You can see it at the top right of this blog. It is a web utility where you just write a short sentence or two about what you are doing at the moment. I am not sure why i am using it or for how long. Just thought i would mention it here.
Ok off to do more drawing. Hope you enjoyed!
Wait.. i did have a drawing i have been working on i wanted to post. I almost forgot. And by the way, I am not a "Trekky". I do not dress like a Star Trek person. I do not have a lot of anything Star Trek. I just did the thing. Here it is.

I am going to add color to it and finish at some point. Until then....umm.. Live Long and Prosper. Ha!
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